Friday, June 18, 2010

Stinky McPoopants.

I just want to introduce the newest writer on my blog.  Check out his profile ladies because he just became single and available.  He is a 42 year old unemployed (unless you consider writing on this crappy blog a job) ex male model (he modeled as the "after" photo in the faces of meth campaign.)  He owns a double wide trailer with an above ground pool and faux wood paneling, enjoys watching fishing and hunting shows all day long on his big screen television (yes you read that right, big screen television), collecting broke down cars, and wearing camo.  He loves a woman who will wear "clitter" ( glitter for the........I'll let you figure that one out), and go to the all you can eat buffet with him.  I am proud to have snagged him as a writer on my blog.

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