Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm after revenge...sweet sweet revenge.....

This post is basically just a warning to the spider that bit me while I was sleeping last night.  It was completely rude and unacceptable that you would bite me when you are living in MY house, paying no rent, sleeping in my bed, and invading my space.  When I didn't realize that you were there, things were fine.  However, now that you have decided to violently attack me, I have no choice but to retaliate.  You better call in some reinforcements because I will hunt you down and kill you.  If I am successful at locating your whereabouts, even if you beg for your life, the assualt I launch on you will be merciless.  My methods of assault will include but not be limited to the following: drowning via the washer and dryer, smashing via tiolet paper followed by drowning via the tiolet, or a terrible beating with the nearest shoe.  If you should escape with your life please vacate my home immediately and do not come back.  Thanks....

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